Sunday, November 18, 2007

How Can We Help?

So many people have asked us how they can help us in the wake of our truck tragedy from last month. The best ways right now are to 1) Pray for the fundraising process and 2) Make a donation to our New Truck Fund. We know that God will provide, and we are excited to see exactly how he does it...

To read more about what happened, scroll down and read our previous blog entries. To see a PDF we created to help in the fundraising process, click here.

Brett's friend Justin Baeder over at Radical Congruency helped us create a button that will allow people to donate to our truck fund online through Paypal. Paypal is 100% secure, and all money donated will go directly to the purchase of a new truck.

If you feel more comfortable sending a check (or you just want to deduct your donation on your taxes!), make it out to the Grace Pointe Church of Christ, mark "Emerson Truck Fund" in the memo line, and mail it to:

Grace Pointe Church of Christ
1565 Ray Thorington Rd.
Montgomery, AL 36117
Attn: Jerry Atkinson

Please join with us and make a donation to our Truck Fund so that we can continue the work God has called us to here in Togo among the Kabiye. God bless you!

Click the "Donate" button below to contribute using Paypal.


Anonymous said...

Dear Emerson family,

Hi! My name is Sue Foster. I grew up in Iowa close to where Bryan Ries grew up (we went to Bible camp and youth rallies together). I get the Kabiye Team Newsletter and saw your need for a new truck. Let me take a moment and say how sorry I am that you had this incredibly difficult experience. I'll be keeping all of this in my prayers. I took advantage of your paypal link and sent you a small donation. Just wanted to let you know who I am and how I came to know of your need.

I'll also take a moment and say congratulations on the new baby! He looks like a very handsome little guy!

May God continue to hold you ever so close in His loving hands! Thank you for your service in His kingdom and for being teammates with my dear friends!

In Him, Sue Foster

Anonymous said...

Hey Brett. Mark Simmons here. Just wanted to let you know Lindsay and I are thinking of you guys and your situation. We hope the small donation we made will help contribute to your efforts to get a new truck in the near future. May God continue to use you for his great purpose, and may you stay strong when Satan is attacking. We love you guys.